Open: Mon-Fri: 09AM - 5PM

We hope you were able to weather the winter storm and stay warm & safe! Our team was all hands on deck last week, providing emergency snow & ice removal services to our clients and non across the metroplex. Many of them were doing this while they didn’t have power/water/heat themselves. A huge thank you to our team who stepped up to the challenge!

A few important things to note, as we’ve started to thaw the last few days:
  • We expect many irrigation leaks to uncover themselves. Please keep your irrigation systems off. The forecast shows rain coming in later this week, and the ground is still very wet from the snow melt.
  • Our licensed irrigation technicians are busier than ever, going through your systems in detail to inspect and report any breakages or issues over the coming days. If you see anything, please let your account manager know so we can schedule the repair.
  • Expect to budget for irrigation repairs this month. With the sustained cold we received, there is no doubt valves, drip lines, spray heads, and mainlines cracked during the storm. We have the resources to complete these repairs over the next few weeks, rest assured.
  • Frost Cloth: if you had this in place, you may now remove it. With the volume of snow and sustained freezing temperatures, the cloth provided little protection from the damage of the winter storm.
  • Expect to budget for plant replacement this Spring. Based on what we have seen so far, the following plant material may need to be replaced:
Ligustrum (Privet, Sunshine Ligustrum)
Pittosporum (Mock Orange)
Loropetalum (Fringe Flower)
Buxus japonica (Boxwoods)
Trachycarpus (Windmill Palms)
Cycus revoluta (Sago Palms)
Washingtonia (Mexican Fan Palms)
Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig Vine)
Taxus (Yew, Podocarpus)
Many flowering shrubs with soft leaves (i.e. Azalea, Hydrangea, Roses, etc.)
  • Your Account Manager will be checking in with you, and getting a walkthrough set up to account for any plant loss, property issues, etc. Plant material that looks black/brown/blistered – could be struggling to survive. Our AM’s will use this time to share their findings with you. If there is anything you need from them, please do not hesitate to reach out.

We are working diligently to ensure all of our clients needs are being met in the aftermath of the storm. We are doing our best to prioritize our client’s needs based on the severity of the issue. Thank you for your continued trust and support in the Lawns of Dallas Team.

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