Open: Mon-Fri: 09AM - 5PM


What to watch for this winter
With winter just a few weeks away and the possibility of occasional freezing temperatures, we turn our focus to cold season landscape care and winterization. Failure to prepare your landscape for winter can lead to costly damage to your irrigation system, structures and plants. Proper winter care normally includes winterizing irrigation systems correctly, preparing your landscape for spring growth, and protecting your trees and plants from severe weather.


Your irrigation system
Texas generally has mild winters, but we do get the occasional severe weather with ice, snow and sub-freezing temperatures. When those conditions arrive, your irrigation system will need to be properly protected, and that can involve several steps, including shutting off water, opening valves to prevent pressure buildup and line breakage, and covering or draining pipes. Your landscape may need to continue to be watered throughout the winter, so proper monitoring of when to turn the system off and back on again is required.

Prepare your landscape
Now is also the time to make any final preparations to your yard. A final mow and clean up will take care of fallen leaves and dead plants. An application of fall/winter fertilizer can provide the yard with nutrition throughout winter, and aerating can help the grass maintain proper moisture and air circulation.


Protect plants and structures
Vulnerable plants and trees will need to be protected throughout the freezing months. Some plants may need to be covered during freezing temperatures. We recommend adding a layer of mulch in planting beds to retain moisture and moderate soil temperature. It’s also a good time to prune tree limbs that may be a hazard or cause damage to structures if burdened by heavy snow or ice.

When extreme cold weather does come, the Lawns of Dallas team will be available to help with your severe weather needs, tree and limb cleanup and irrigation adjustments. Stay ahead of winter weather by consulting with our landscape professionals about winterization today!

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