Open: Mon-Fri: 09AM - 5PM

Wow, what a year we’ve had! We hope you this letter finds you well and your landscape didn’t experience too much damage. In the months that passed since the storm, many of you have contacted us for replacements on plant material. If you’ve waited to see what was going to come back, now is a good time to have us meet with you and assess the damages. We’ve been making plant suggestions with material that handled the extreme cold much better. It’s time to restore your landscape.

restore your landscape

Summer Color options are fast approaching! Pentas, Alyssum, Celosia, Marigolds, Begonias, Coleus, Blue Daze, Impatiens, Portulaca, Vinca, Scaevola, Potato Vine, Caladiums, & Lantana. Availability from our Winter storm changes daily, so contact us now so we can lock down your selections.

restore your landscapeIntroducing our newest team member, Jessica! She is spearheading our new enterprise CRM, accounting, and operations software that was implemented earlier this year. She brings 3 years of experience mastering this program and we are so excited to have her as a part of the LOD family. Welcome Jessica!


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