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I think it’s safe to say 2021 started off with a bang! With the Winter storm behind us, many of our clients are forced to do something with their landscaping. Should you remove plant material that appears to be dead, or continue to wait it out and give them a few more weeks? The answer is likely, both – and highly dependent upon which plant variety. If you need a second opinion, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us (214)357-6522
When in doubt, do the scratch test. Scratch the surface of a stem, and if you see green – the plant is likely not dead. If you see brown, the plant needs to be replaced. Check out our Instagram @LawnsOfDallas for a tutorial on the scratch test.  Watch video here!
landscaping landscaping
Below is a list of plant material that we have seen struggle across the metroplex, whether or not your landscaping was covered during the storm:
  • All Palm Trees (Sago, Chinese Windmill, Mexican Fan, Blue Pindo)
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides – Star, or Confederate Jasmine
  • Rhapiolepis indica – Indian Hawthorne
  • Pittosporum ‘Variegata’ – Variegated Pittosporum
  • Loropetalum chinensis – Fringe Flower
  • Rhododendrons / Azaleas
  • Aralia japonica – False Aralia
  • Ficus pumila – Creeping Fig
  • Cupressus sempervirens – Italian Cypress
  • Ligustrum japonicum – Texas Privet
Below is a list of plants that surprisingly did well after the storm:
  • Hydrangeas – seem to have recovered well
  • Buxus japonica – All varieties of Boxwood – most have a lot of new green growth
  • Roses – seem to have recovered well
  • Quercus virginiana – Live Oaks – seem to be budding across the metroplex
  • Cercis canadensis – Texas Redbud
  • Lagerstroemia indica – Crape Myrtles
  • Ophiopogon & Liriope – Monkey Grass
  • Trachelospermum asiaticum – Asian Jasmine

Geraniums, Petunias, Easter Lilies, Poppies, Gerbera Daisies are in stock and ready to be installed. Contact us today for a fresh color change!

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